Wednesday October 14 2020
Where do we fit in God's plan?
Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his sons and daughters – this was his pleasure and purpose. (Ephesians 1:5 Good News Bible)
Have you realised that God has something for each of us to do and he wants to include us in his family? One way of understanding this is to think about God’s will, God’s desire and God’s design that includes us. God’s universal cosmic plan is personal, spiritual and eternal. It originated in him. It will culminate in him and it is all orientated in Christ Jesus.
God’s plan is that we get to know him better. Some may ask, “How can we get to know him better if we don’t know him in the first place?” God is the one to whom we can give thanks when a new-born baby is born. God is the one to whom we can turn when or loved one dies and we are looking for spiritual comfort as we look for new wisdom to apply to our situation. God is the one who will listen to our plea – he will help us discern the truth, desire reality, and decide what is right or wrong.
We may be having a wonderful mountain top experience and can give thanks to God for his faithfulness to us all of our days. Or, we may be having a valley experience where we feel pretty hopeless, aimless or pointless. Have you tried listening to the gospel message? God invites people to listen to the gospel message, to believe in him and to hope in Christ. God loves us, pursues us and demonstrated his love for us in giving his Son Jesus for us. We are forgiven and given a renewed life that is joyful, peaceful, secure and eternal. Friends, we may feel broken but we can be gracefully restored.
There are certain aspects of our culture that seem out of kilter but in Christ we can speak well of God sharing the spiritual blessings that he has bestowed upon us to the praise of his glory. God’s eternal plan is that we are eternally significant in Christ.
God our heavenly Father,
We thank you that you have made yourself known to us in Jesus. It is in knowing you, believing in you and in worshipping you that we see ourselves as we truly are, and we can face life each day. Lord, help us to know that our sins are forgiven; that we are accepted and belong within your family for all eternity. Please make our lives new as we turn to you now.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
© 2020 St Ninian's Parish Church.
Scottish Charity Number SC007453
Scottish Charity Number SC007453