Wednesday June 24 2020
Previously, our worship group have been sharing their thoughts on the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’ during our midweek services. Now we offer our thoughts on laying pathways for people to come to faith. There isn’t one formula to becoming a Christian. It happens in many ways. Whether it’s a gradual journey or a more dramatic moment, something happens when people open their hearts to God and then the journey of faith begins. Perhaps we can help to nurture your journey?
Did you know that Is it possible to have Jesus with us and not know it? It is also possible to listen to the truth about Jesus and yet not know him. This was the case on the road to Emmaus when Jesus came alongside Cleopas and his friend and asked this simple question, “What are you talking about to each other as you walk along?”
Jesus wants us to share our sad and troubled hearts so that he can heal us. Some might be saying, “I have never yet known the joy of faith in Jesus.” The need for a personal friendship with Jesus becomes clearer when we realise that we can’t manage life by ourselves with our sad and lonely hearts.
We might be sad that we haven’t known Jesus in our lives. Or, we may know about him but have been slow to believe. Wherever we are on our journey of faith or no faith, there is always time to experience great times with the Lord so that our hearts become satisfied. So much so that we can’t keep that joy to ourselves, so we have to share that good news with others. What does it take to have a relationship with the Lord where he can bring meaning and purpose to our lives? Accepting Jesus means believing that Jesus is the Son of God, then inviting him to guide our lives. Jesus said, “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” And here is Jesus’ invitation. He said, “I’m standing at the door and I’m knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.” How will you respond to God’s invitation? Perhaps by prayer?
There is nothing magical about prayer. But it is a natural way of confessing our sins to God and asking the Lord to forgive us because of who Jesus is and what he did on the cross. And since prayer is simply talking to God, it is a vital part of growing in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Here is a simple prayer if you have not yet given your life to Jesus and invited him into yours or, you may know someone that you could pass this on to help nurture them:
Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross to save me from sin and death and to restore me to God. I choose now to turn from my self-centeredness, and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you and I give you my heart. I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Saviour and Lord. Come reign in my heart, hold me, heal me and fill me with your love. Help me to become a person who is truly loving—a person like you. Restore me, Jesus. Live in me. Love through me. Thank you, God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
© 2020 St Ninian's Parish Church.
Scottish Charity Number SC007453
Scottish Charity Number SC007453