Wednesday July 8 2020
In Henri J.M. Nouwen’s book, Finding My Way Home, he shares his views of how it is that we all struggle and suffer through issues of life, body mind and soul. Sometimes, we might be tempted to think that we have taken the wrong pathway because others seems to sail through life with little trouble whilst our path is rocky. And yet, along that pathway, we can still be surprised by joy when we least expect it… by a little flower that blooms amid a barren area or a bird singing. Sometimes, from the depths of our pain, we can also be surprised by the gentle, humble nature of an encounter with Jesus that can bring immense healing power to nurture our relationships.
It could be said that everybody needs to be nurtured in the life of church and community so, investing in the relationships that God has given us can enable a greater spiritual depth between us. As we learn from each other, share our interests and issues, we journey what is called the ‘Emmaus Road’ as we share the truth of the gospel message. In other words, what Bible story or aspect of Christian belief might we share together to enable healing to take place.
During this time when we are still emerging from lockdown, it is exciting to plan for opportunities when we will be able to meet together and share our issues and interests.
St. Ninian’s is moving forward in mission. Here are some of the groups that we will be engaging with: Messy Church, Youth Ministry, Women’s Wellbeing Group, Baby and Toddler Group, Men’s Group, Community Listening, Pastoral Support, Bereavement Support (Good Grief) Community Café, Growing in Faith and Growing Young as a church. If any of these groups interest you and you would like to be involved, do contact our Minister. With Jesus by our side, we can rebuild our identity and morale as we invite to grow, intend to grow, lead to grow, train to grow, plant to grow and spend to grow.
Heavenly Father,
As you watch over our community in love in which we are called to serve, we thank you that we can come to you just as we are, with our shattered dreams and shipwrecked faith. Lord, we are broken together and so we pray asking for forgiveness for not showing love to one another and for failing to help those in need. Bless us Lord and breathe on our dry bones to make a way for our community to flourish. Amen
© 2020 St Ninian's Parish Church.
Scottish Charity Number SC007453
Scottish Charity Number SC007453